Use:The 6-Component Wheel Force Transducer attached to the axle measures the external forces that the tire receives from the road surface in the form of three orthogonal forces and three moments around them.
T-ZACCS6 Slip-ring Type Miniature 6-Component Force Analyzer MF-660
The 6-Component Wheel Force Transducer attached to the axle measures the external forces that the tire receives from the road surface in the form of three orthogonal forces and three moments around them.
After digitally converting the strain detected by the 6-Component Wheel Force Transducer, the instrument performs physical quantity conversion, correction for mutual interference between the force components, rotation correction (X and Z components only) using the angle signal from the rotary encoder attached to the 6-Component Wheel Force Transducer, and offset position correction between the 6-Component Wheel Force Transducer and tire center. After calculation, the measured 6-Component Force and tire speed are output as voltage and CAN signals.