
EPC Products Teaching and Research Laboratory Equipment Fluid Science FS-1.3 Energy Losses in Bends
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FS-1.3 Energy Losses in Bends


Use:To measures the pressure drop across, a smooth bend, a tight bend, a Mitre bend. All the pipe test section are of the same cross section, enabling meaningful comparisons to be made.


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The Fluid Science FS-1.3 Energy Losses in Bends Systems Tray provides hands on experimentation designed to demonstrate energy losses due to the geometry of the flow path at different flow rates.

Utilising the FS-SU service unit the experiments rapidly mount onto the multifunctional work panel and is connected to the built-in water supply via quick connect couplings.

The differential pressure reading is taken using a digital manometer against varying flow rates.

The tray includes the following Hydraulic Circuits:

Energy losses in Bends

  • Shallow bend Radii 42mm, 6mm diameter
  • Tight Bend Radii 9mm, 6mm diameter

  • Mitre Bend, 6mm diameter


  • Shallow bend Radii 42mm, 6mm diameter
  • Tight Bend Radii 9mm, 6mm diameter
  • Mitre Bend, 6mm diameter
  • Differential pressure reading obtained using digital manometer
  • Highly visual design


  • Applied student learning via experimentation
  • Common service unit can be used for either hot or cold-water supply
  • Tool-less assembly
  • Designed to be highly visual and simple to use
  • Quick setup
  • Suitable for both classroom and laboratory environment

Demonstration Capabilities

  • Explanation of basic principles such as conservation of mass
  • Conservation of energy
  • Explain energy loss and frictional loss
  • Types of flow steady and unsteady flow, uniform and non-uniformflow etc
  • Types of fluid flow regime i.e. laminar, turbulent and transitional flow
  • Compare measured pressure drop from 3 different pipe forms, explaining the effect of geometry on pressure drop
  • Using Bernoulli’s equation, calculate the pressures and compare results with experimental values
  • Calculate the frictional head loss and pressure drop using Darcy’s equation

Project Case